Thursday, October 13, 2005

A letter to Frvade

This is letter I am writing is to the only one and Frvade himself. The other day Frvade decided to block me from his website....yada yada yada i use a different IP now. The reason i am posting this letter to your Frvade is to ask why. Why did you unrightfully attempt to block me. What have I done besides give helpful hints to those in need. If people want to cheat themselves thats not my problem, I am offering a simple service to these people who are stuck on some of your I guess you can say unfair puzzles. I personally did every puzzle myself and yes did get some helpful hints on the way, it doesnt make me a bad person. The fact that i have taken time to vist your site and then make a site basically about it, helping people you be honored i took the interest. Please give reasoning to what you have done. I ask you to reply to this so everyone can see the real Frvade.

yours truly

PS everyone who visits this site if you like to give some input please comment on this.
Thx you I could use the support to keep this going.


At 10:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the service, best of luck in the future!

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is crap man. They shouldn't block you for that. I got to level 36 by myslef, but i was stuck so i looked here. Thanks for you help. I fully support you reasoning against frvade blocking you.

At 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

frvade is an over-educted little prick and i wana rip his balls off

At 4:11 PM, Blogger Nicholas said...

i'm glad he blocked you. You shouldn't be helping others cheat. if they're not going to do the puzzle by themselves without cheating, they shouldn't do it at all.

At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

frvade can lick harry, sweaty, shit covered balls, he's an ass, you da man hiyaguy, i want your babys, now!!!!!!

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Muzozavr said...

I would say no to this site but Frvade's puzzles are very unfair in my opinion.
If a game is fair -- I will try to solve it in my own.
For two fair games -- have a look at:

Dunn Puzzle


Inward Hellix

and also

Kasi Riddle (not absolutely fair, but at least enjoyable)

At 4:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, lay off Frvade. You obviously can't proofread your own letters, much less solve your own puzzles. How is that Frvade's problems. What? If you can do nothing else, curse? Practice some class.

At 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahahahaha over-educted you dumb shit.

At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


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