Level 36
Some say this is easy i disagree
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There are binary numbers
Convert those 0 and 1's to text giving you
(262,28) (231,18) (201,32) (203,67) (230,81) (261,80) (311,24) (313,47) (315,75) (316,95) (338,94) (358,92) (412,28) (415,45) (416,64) (417,85) (486,82) (486,65) (484,46) (482,28) (492,19) (510,21) (518,34) (511,44) (497,49)
Now copy the image from the website and paste it in Paint.
The numbers you converted and got represent pixels in the image. Now choose each pixel
carefully and make a dot. When you plot all these points it will spell out clip.